Viewing page 36 of 198

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[[underlined]]Wednesday, May 3, 1922[[/underlined]]
MF 7854  12 30 -67 Set -64
Ident. 12 35 -65 30
Load 60. Width correct. Def. good

gas. neb. known
Class n known

MF 7844 14 17 -51 load 50
Ident. 14 22 -51 30
Set dec 2.5[[symbol - degree symbol]] to north

Class N = [[strikethrough]]nu Lupi[[/strikethrough]] -Centauri
14 2.4 -53 28 var.
Trailed. Clock running poorly.

MF 7845 15 00 -48 load 48
set -45.5
Clock running poorly