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[[underlined]]Wednesday, June 28, 1922[[/underlined]]

B53099   14 59 -51
N star
Bright lines near edge defect?
Other stars also show br. lines
height 49  H.A.  000^[[h]]
much too wide.

B53100   15 50 -56  
Md  H[[gamma]]=10  H[[delta]]=8  H[[xi]]=2  H[[eta]]=1
T Normae  [[underlined]]153654[[/underlined]]
Comp.  153[[strikethrough]] 7[[strikethrough]]5 [[/strikethrough]]-58[[/strikethrough]]-57 48 known

2.   Pec.  Class O
not in C.P.D.
Approx  16 -54
Br. band  4688  Also other br. lines
Prob. seen on AM 5331 15 -60 very ft.
This object is s.f. C.P.D. -54[[symbol - degree symbol]] 7265
See p.128