Viewing page 153 of 198

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[preprinted]] 187 [[/preprinted]]
Aug. 1, 1922

X13100   17 9 -33
H[[beta]] br - Early B

X13501 [[beta]] Lyrae
Lines not sharp

X13502   O Sag.
Some lines sharp

13503   X Cap.

13504   15 22 -46
very narrow.  About right width for Obs. magn.  Def. fair
magn. 5.05

13805   [[beta]] Lyrae  fair

13506   E Cap.
H[[beta]] dark.

13507  (incorrectly numbered 13508)
magn 537 narrow

13508  [[beta]] Lyrae

13509 B Cygni
Too wide.  Should be very narrow.

Transcription Notes:
Needs help with unclear words ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-03 12:44:47 Don't submit for review with lots of [[?]]. Leave for another transcriber to complete.