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[[preprinted]] 46[[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 21, 1927 [[/underlined]] 
Observation of Nova Tauri
5 15 +16

Spectrum in Nov 20 slims
H[[beta]], H[[gamma]], H[[delta]], H[[epsilon]] & 4640 bright

4640 is 5 times as bright as the hydrogen lines.

Seq. C3. magnitudes from Miss Halher's sheet.
Corrected this from 1922 scale.

|Seq C3|   | Seq Br. stars AC14615|
|AI25746|Sept. 25|2425149.|
|   |8.1|   |
|AI25765|Sept. 30|5154.|
|   |Brighter than star 1, 6.6 6.0|   |
|AI25792|3 & 15|   |
|   |off edge|   |
|AI25793|Oct. 6|5160|
|   |6.4|   |
|AI25839|OCt. 20|5174|
|   |7.5|   |