Viewing page 159 of 226

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[preprinted]] 153[[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|82|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6296|9 52.0|-34 6|8.9|   |
|83|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6556|9 53.4|-33 56|8.5|   |
|84|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 632[[strikethrough]] 5[[/strikethrough]]3|9 54.[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]1|-34 [[strikethrough]] 17[[/strikethrough]] 16|9.[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]5|   |
|85|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6328|9 54.4|-34 25|8.7|   |
|86|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6327|9 54.4|-34 46|9.0|   |
|87|-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6058|9 54.2|-35 5|9.1|   |
|88|-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 607[[strikethrough]] 9[[/strikethrough]]8|9 56.[[strikethrough]] 1[[/strikethrough]]0|-35 [[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]4|8.9|-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 607[[strikethrough]] 8[[/strikethrough]]9 sup. [[strikethrough]] 8.9[[/strikethrough]]9.0|
|89|-3[[strikethrough]] 3[[/strikethrough]]5[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 6490[[/strikethrough]]6073|9 [[strikethrough]] 49.6[[/strikethrough]]55.3|-3[[strikethrough]] 3[[/strikethrough]]5 [[strikethrough]] 56[[/strikethrough]]21|9.0|   |
|90|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6311|9 53.0|-34 54|9.3|   |
|91|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6302|9 52.6|-34 43|8.9|   |
|92|-3[[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]5[[symbol - degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 6296[[/strikethrough]]6039|9 52.[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]4|-3[[strikethrough]] 4 6[[/strikethrough]]5 4|8.[[strikethrough]] 9[[/strikethrough]]5|   |
|93|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6295|9 52.0|-34 56|8.9|   |    
|94|-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6031|9 51.6|-35 5|8.8|   |
|95|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6265|9 49.9|-34 14|9.3|   |
|96|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6259|9 49.4|-34 15|8.9|   |
|97|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6505|9 50.2|-33 59|9.0|   |
|98|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6511|9 50.7|-33 38|9.0|   |
|99|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6490|9 49.6|-33 56|9.1|   |
|100|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6483|9 49.0|-33 54|9.0|   |
|101|-33[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6431|9 46.1|-33 52|9.0|   |
|102|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6218|9 46.5|-34 19|9.4|   |
|103|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6194|9 44.8|-34 32|9.2|   |
|104|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6184|9 44.3|-34 27|9.0|   |
|105|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6198|9 45.0|-34 53|9.3|   |
|106|-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5994|9 47.7|-35 23|8.5|   |
|107|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6163|9 42.6|-34 32|8.9|   |
|108|-34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 6149|9 41.9|-34 38|9.0|   |

Transcription Notes:
This is a 6 column table: fix headings to reflect that - done Also add | before the next to last column. I have done 6 pages (that's 6x 25=150 |'s). Your turn.-Done added one strikethrough as example. Rest need to be finished-Done