Viewing page 101 of 228

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[[preprinted]] 95 [[/preprinted]]
B 32062
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1551|+1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1221|6^[[h]] 0.1^[[m]]|+1 12|9.5|   |
|1552|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.| 
|1553|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1554|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1555|+0 1296|6 1.1|+0 50|9.5|   | 
|1556|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.| 
|1557|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1558|+1 122[[stikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9|6 1.7|+1  4|9.5|[[strikethrough]]Not in Dm.[[/strikethrough]]|
|1559|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1560|+1 1230|6 1.7|+1 10|9.5|   | 
|1561|+1 1231|6 1.8|+1 10|9.5|   |
|1562|+1 122[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]8|6 1.4|+1 19|9.5|   |
|1563|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1564|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
1565|+1 1225|6 0.7|+1 28|9.5|   |
1566|+1 122[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]7|6 0.9|+1 36|8.9|   |
|1567|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1568|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1569|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1570|+2 1138|6 1.3|+2 12|9.5|   |
|1571|+2 1143|6 2.2|+[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] [[dotted underlined]]2[[/dotted underlined]] [[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]] 11|9.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]5|   |
|1572|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|1573|+2 1145|6 2.4|+2 36|9.3|   | 
|1574|+2 1146|6 2.7|+2 0|9.5|[[strikethrough]]Not in Dm.[[/strikethrough]]|
|1575|   |   |   |   |[[strikethrough]]Not in Dm.[[/strikethrough]]|      

[[annotation]] Either 1574 or 1575 may be identified as +2[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1146 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
Last [] refers to red note found on margin Each space represents different column as shown in document. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 18:52:23 This is a mess.