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[[preprinted]] 173 [[/preprinted]]
B 85018
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|851|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|852|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1552|6^[[h]] 59.1^[[m]]|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 14|9.5|   |
|853|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|854|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1555|6 59.7|-1 29|9.5|   |
|855|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|856|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|857|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1558|[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]] 7 0.0|-1 39|9.4|   |
|858|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|859|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|860|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|861|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|862|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|863|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|864|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1562|7 0.7|-1 32|9.5|   |
|865|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1560|7 0.5|-1 21|9.3|   |
|866|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|867|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|868|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|869|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|870|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1556|[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]] 7 0.0|-1 10|9.4|   |
|871|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|872|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|873|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|
|874|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1598|6 59.4|-1 0|9.5|   |
|875|   |   |   |   |Not in Dm.|