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I 40853

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|901|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|902|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|903|[[strikethrough]]+[[/strikethrough]] -1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1566|7^[[h]] 1.5^[[m]]|-1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 2|9.3|   | 
|904|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|905|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|906|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|907|[[strikethrough]]+[[/strikethrough]] -0 1618|7 1.6|-0 48|9.3|   |
|908|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|909|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|910|[[strikethrough]]+[[/strikethrough]] -0 1622|7 2.0|-0 45|9.5|   |
|911|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|912|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|913|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|914|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|915|[[strikethrough]]-[[/strikethrough]] -0 [[strikethrough]]17[[/strikethrough]] 1619|[[strikethrough]]-7[[/strikethrough]] 7 [[strikethrough]]35[[/strikethrough]] 1.7|-0 35|9.5|   |
|916|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|917|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|918|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|919|-0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]616|7
|920|[[strikethrough]]+ -0 1616|7 1.4|-0 44|9.4[[/strikethrough]]|Not in DM.|
|921|[[strikethrough]]-[[/strikethrough]] -0 1611|7 1.1|-0 52|9.5|   |
|922|[[strikethrough]]-[[/strikethrough]] -0 1612|7 1.1|-0 42|9.2|   | 
|923|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|924|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|
|925|   |   |   |   |Not in DM.|