Viewing page 113 of 236

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[[preprinted]] 106 [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] A.5453 [[/underlined]]
|neb.|[[alpha]]|[[delta]]|Comp. Stars|Positions in 2000 [[alpha]]|Positions in 2000 [[delta]]|
|4|[[strikethrough]] 17 0 43|-60 7.0 [[/strikethrough]]|-60 6719|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 17 0 43|-60 7.0 [[/strikethrough]]||-60 6711|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 17 0 43|-60 7.0 [[/strikethrough]]||17 01 56 -60 13.4|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] [[Delta]][[alpha]]=96"|[[Delta]][[delta]]= 11.2 [[/strikethrough]]| 17 0 20 -60 2.2|   |   |
   |[[strikethrough]] = 11.8 mm [[/strikethrough]]|= 12.0 mm|   |   |   |
|5|[[strikethrough]] 17 16 42|-60 25.5 [[/strikethrough]]|-60 6807|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 17 16 42|-60 25.6 [[/strikethrough]]|-60 6808|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 17 16 42|-60 25.6 [[/strikethrough]]|17 16 30 -60 33.7|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] [[Delta]][[alpha]]= 12"|[[Delta]][[delta]]= 11.6 [[/strikethrough]]|17 16 42 -60 22.1|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] = 2.8 mm [[/strikethrough]]|= 11.5 mm|   |   |   |
|9|16 39 46|-61 20.9|-61 5785|   |   |
|   |16 39 47|-61 20.9|-61 5793|   |   |
|   |16 39 46|-61 20.9|16 39 39 -61|16 48 46|-61 32.5
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]= 142"|[[Delta]][[delta]]= 9.5'|16 41 51 -61 14.1|   |   |
|   |= 15.6 mm|= 10.4 mm|   |   |   |
|10|[[strikethrough]] 16 28 34|-62 15.6 [[/strikethrough]]|-62 5399|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 16 28 34|-62 15.6 [[/strikethrough]]|-61 5744|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] 16 28 34|-62 15.6 [[/strikethrough]]|16 29 52 -62 31.1|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]] [[Delta]][[alpha]]= 110"|[[Delta]][[delta]]= 29.4' [[/strikethrough]]|16 28 2 -62 1.7|   |   |
|   |= 15.3|= 28.2 mm|   |   |   |
|12|16 44 41|-62 49.8|-63 4026|   |   |
|   |16 44 41|-62 49.7|-62 5458|   |   |
|   |16 44 41|-62 49.8|16 44 12 -62 4.0|16 53 49|-63.1 .6
|   |[[Delta]][[alpha]]= 76"|[[Delta]][[delta]]= 31.7'|16 45 28 -62 32.3|   |   |
|   |= 8.0 mm|= 31.6 mm|   |   |   |
[[annotation]] not a neb H.S [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] corner of plate not accepted by H.S [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] not a neb H.S  2 or 3 stars [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] 13 neb measured an H.5451 by C.D.B. see p. 111 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-29 12:16:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-03 19:51:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-09 07:36:28