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Transcription: [00:40:25]

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
No black paper. There was not many people in Emporium.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Emporium was a beautiful place. You could, you know what I mean, if the Titans had garden,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
and they had, whatever they had in there, you could go get it. You didn't even have to say, "Can I have it?"

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
If we had something they want, they could come get it.
{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And I mean,they live different. It was a different love; so much love.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And and everything was different. It's not like today. Today--

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Today it's a different world today.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
The little public church that was in the back of the library, that was in Emporium?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
That was in Emporium. The little-- Just a-- Just row in the back of the library they let them have.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And they had an organ in there. And Hatty, she, uh; piano. Hatty would play and we would sing.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
"Jesus lover of my soul, as the Bible told us so [[laughter]].

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
But you--

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
She-- She would sing that, and she thought she could sing. She couldn't sing worth a darn.[[laughter]].

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And it was a different life. I'm telling you. If the--

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Everything is so different, Pearl.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And that's living. And we could go to the spring and get down on your knees and get mineral water.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Out the spring; right out the rocks. And rattlesnakes come down out the hill after a storm.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
The rattlesnakes would come down; my mother would run get the hoe and chop them in two.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And great big yellow and black rattlesnakes come down after the rain.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
When it would rain in Emporium, my father would make everybody--

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Oh, the thunder and lightning! But we had such storms, you see. Our house was up high,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
and up back of it was nothing but woods.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And trees and those little trees would come out the roots, and the mud and the stones would come down.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And the rattlesnakes would come, and my mother just go out there with the hoe and chop their heads right off.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
She wasn't scared of them.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
She wasn't scared of nothing.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
But the-- Every-- The living is so different from New York.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
When I came down here, and my Aunt Hatty sent me to the store to get, uh,

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
buy some wood, and I think it was something like uh, wasn't much. Buy a package of wood for the fire.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And when we used to go up right up in the woods and cut down a tree and make our own wood [[laughter]].

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
You had to buy your wood, that was here in Brooklyn?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Y-- Yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Buy our wood. We'd come up our wood and and-- and pile it up against our house for the winter.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And we always had coal. We didn't have any gas; we had coal fire.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
And my mother used to, oh, she'd make bread every weekend.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Have it by the stove rising, and always had a crop of cake in.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Or molasses cake, molasses cookies. Those were the good old days [[laughter]].

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
You got to satisfy your sweet tooth.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Uh can you describe or tell me about the movie house here in-- in Brooklyn?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Tell me about the movie houses that you went to here in Brooklyn and in in Harlem.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Can you describe what the movie houses were like inside?

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
Well the-- the Lafayette. Was it the Lafayette?

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
That was just vaudeville, that's all.

{SPEAKER name="Victoria West"}
A good vaudeville.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
What was the house itself like? What was the-- What did the movie house look like?

Transcription Notes:
The speaker, then dialogue, then timestamp, then a space. This is how the instruction video shows to do these tapes. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-29 13:40:53 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-29 16:19:06 There are some moments where the accents are misconstrued. "Public" is colored. "Paper" is people etc. "Titans" is Italians.