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Mons.Migeon:   -2-

during my last trip in China, but nothing as yet is ready for the printer.  Sometime during the Summer we hope to get it in the printer's hands.  As you know, these catalogues are very brief and contain only enough information to identify each object, and they are not for circulation.  They become simply a legal document between the United States Government and myself.

Just now we are having a small exhibition of selections from my collections at the National Museum, Washington.  The Chinese paintings are attracting a great deal more attention than I expected.  In fact everybody is surprised that Chinese art should receive such ready recognition in America.  A hopeful sign!  I send you my mail to-day, under separate cover, a copy of the catalogue.

My plans for the Summer are as yet undecided.  I am not strong enough to go to Europe or do much of any traveling, so the probabilities are that I will remain in Detroit during all of the coming Summer and Autumn.

I send greetings and best wishes to yourself and Mde. Migeon.  When you see Keechlin do give him all good messages.

Very sincerely your friend,

Mons. Gaston Migeon
Musee de Louvre,
Paris, France