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#33 Ferry Avenue, East, 
Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., 
July 25th, 1912 

Mons. Gaston Migeon, 
Musees Nationaux,
Palais du Lourve, 
Paris, France. 

Dear friend Migeon:-
Your valued letter of July 10th is received and has been carefully read. 

I am delighted with the news that it is the intention of yourself and friends to start in September next, a party to explore ancient sites in Persia, and I hope that the party will meet with great success. 

I should be glad, indeed, to send a liberal contribution, but the calls at home for matters of the same sort, and to which I must contribute, prevents me from sending you more than Frances 500, for which amount I enclose draft to your order and hope you will accept it with my compliments. The sum sent, though [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] small, indicates my interest in the work, which I trust the French Government will, in future years, prosecute intelligently and successfully as it has heretofore done. Your great Nation is so competent and courageous in all archaeological explorations as to excite the admiration of all of your neighbors. 

I am glad to know of your having seen our mutual friend Binyon in