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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.,
November 5th, 1912

My dear friend:-

Your kind card of October 19th is received and I am glad to learn that the two volumes of Fenollosa's book has finally reached you. The publishers were very late in issuing it and I hope that now it has come into your hands you will find pleasure in its perusal as well as a lot of satisfaction in translating it into French.

The book will prove of great value in America and I trust will add to the knowledge of Far Eastern Art throughout Europe as well.

I am glad that you found interesting objects in Berlin. Prof. Grosse has spent a lot of time in China and Japan and I trust has been successful in securing many fine objects.

I have just returned from a month spent in the Berkshire Hills and am glad to say that my visit there proved very invigorating, and while I have not yet fully recovered my health, I am in better form than I have been during the last eighteen months.

I hope your stay in the city will prove very interesting, but I fear you will miss that beautiful view had from your country place.

Trusting that yourself and Mrs. Migeon are both enjoying good health, believe me,

Very sincerely yours,

Mons. Gaston Migeon,
Musee de Louvre,
Paris, France.

Transcription Notes:
One unsure word ---------- .Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 19:07:46