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Kalebdjian Freres 32 Rue Le Peletier, Paris, France /Octagonal Bowl. ----- Soft paste, Turquoise glaze, slight silvery irredescence. In each one of the eight panels there are designs in the paste, in relief, under the glaze. One of the designs show two horses standing face to face each bearing riders- another design shows two archaic animals resting on their hind legs facing each other. Height 5 1/2 in Dia 7 1/2 1 Round Jar Made in Egypt by Persian potters in the time of Drius. Hard dense paste. Dark turquoise glaze - heavy overflow on one side of neck & shoulder. Foot & edge of mouth unglazed Height 7 in. The two pcs $2.200 Frs prepaid [[checkmark]] Duly chargeable to C. L. F. [[checkmark]]
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Reopened for Editing 2023-04-13 19:02:41