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[image] Hotel Imperial Broadway, 31st and 32nd Streets New York Copeland Townsend, Manager Stafford Hotels. Robert Stafford, Proprietor. New York Cable Address "Imperial" Philadelphia Cable Address "Walton" Absolutely Fireproof [image] Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Streets Philadelphia Geo. W. Swett, Manager Ck No 10049 Feby 10th $2400.00 favor of American Art Association For one Chine Screen, 12 fold. Lacquer in colors on wood. The design shows a festival in the imperial palace [[strikethrough]] palace [[/strikethrough]] and grounds. Many building's & figures are splendidly placed in the composition. In the upper corner of the right panel an inscription. The back of the screen is also covered with inscriptions. Height 85 in. width of each panel 19¾ in. No 304 of the Matsuki catalog of 1906.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 19:22:26