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ER, To American Art Association, Dr. Detroit, Feb. 10th, 1906 190 Address New York City [[3 Columned Table]] | | c/s. | | | --- | --- | --- | | #112 | For one Chinese Palace Screen, 12 fold, No. 304 of Matsuki Catalogue of 1906. | 2 400 00 [[checkmark]] | As per the attached bill. Correct, J M Kennedy Approved, C L Freer RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Twenty-four hundred and 00 100 DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT 190 See receipted bill attached. G.T. Co. check 1049 issued by Mr. Freer at New York on Feby 10, 1906.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 19:23:49
Reopened for Editing 2023-04-17 19:24:42