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Case B 
1 Baedeker's Egypt - Bought from U.S.A
1 De Guerville's, New Egypt - Bought from U.S.A
1 Breasteds A History of Egypt - Bought from U.S.A
1 Migeons Le Caire in French
1 Dr. Fouguets, Oriental Ceramics in French
1 Catalogue Musee Arabe in French
1 Petrie Egyptian Decorative art from [[?]] 5/-
1 Petrie Ten years digging in Egypt 5/-
1 Guide Book Naples 2/-
also in the same case
1 small wood door Egyptian A 4/-
4 small Pottery Dishes Egyptian pottery B each decorated the lot L 8
1 Flask Blue Egyptian Pottery mended C L 2
1 Cup greens Egyptian Pottery D L 1
1 Jug with handle Egyptian Pottery E 15/-
1 Lamp with spout Egyptian Pottery broken F 4/-
1 Pottery figure, rough unglazed G 2/-

Transcription Notes:
a lot of the same information as page 308