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Imperial Hotels, Ltd. Tokio.
(Imperial Hotel & Villa, and Metropole Hotel.)

Imperial Hotel & Villa.

With these details before you I feel that both you and Stephen will quite understand everything. A dozen or so of the cases are likely to leave here together on the 3.3. "Korea" on June 12th and may reach Detroit in a bunch - I think it would be wise to have typewritten copies of parts of this letter and of the contents of each case made and given to Stephen for his use. So that he can check against the copies instead of the originals herein.

It is an amusing group of things, good bad and indifferent out of which I hope, by degrees, and after long study, to add considerabley to my little stock of information on things oriental.

I doubt if any one man now living can accurately identify the new from the old, the period of production for the financial value of the seperate pieces - I cannot by thousands of miles -
Yours sincerely
Charles L Freer

The buying of the Temple lot was a gamble on my part.