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Kalebdjian Frerer
Antiquités et Médailles
32, Rue le Peletier, 32
Spécialité de faiences Arabes et Persanes
Grand choix d'Antiquités
Assyriennes, Egyptiennes, Grecques, Romanes
Fournisseurs des Musées
Maison de Confiance

Adresse AU CAIRE
Kalebdjian Fréres
Rue Kasr-el-Nil
Opposite Savoy Hotel
Adresse Télégraphique
Cléopatras Caire

Paris, the 30th September 1907
J. M. Kennedy Esq.
915 Union Trust Co Bldg

Dear Sir
During his last journey in Egypt, Mr. Freer bought from us three potteries for four hundred pounds (₤400) on the condition to deliver them to you, free from all expenses and Custom House duties.
In the same time, in order to facilitate our task for the importation in America of the above-mentioned pieces, he kindly consented that we take the necessary time and catch the first favourable occasion to send the fayences to your address, as you will see from the enclosed envelope. By the present we have the advantage

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 09:12:29