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[[left margin]] Answered [[best guess]]


October 31, 1906.

My Dear Mr. Freer: 

Your favor of October 29th has been received. I regret very much that it will be impossible for Mrs. Morse and me to stop on our way to New Haven, much as I would like to do so.  Miss Watson will not get started for a week later. We leave here on Friday night on the Lake Shore Limited.

I note also that you are going to be entirely too busy in New york for me to see you, and we shall have to put off the meeting until after your return.

If you should go to Ceylon and Java, I would like very much to have you obtain photographs of the best Buddhist art which you may find there; such as photographs of Buddhist deities, demons, etc., Buddhist temples, carvings, etc. I generally purchase the unmounted photograph, and, where possible, of pretty good size; that is, 8 x 10 or 10 x 12. Please, however, do not take any trouble about the matter, but if such things come in your way, I should be glad to have you get a bunch for me, say to the extent of one hundred or one hundred and fifty dollars worth, provided the character of the print merits purchase.

It is possible, and indeed probable, that Mrs. Morse and I will go abroad in the spring and spend the summer in Europe, Jared joining us when he finishes his examinations in July. We shall probably, however, travel about France, England, and Holland in a quiet way.

We certainly wish you the most profitable and delightful possible trip, and shall be most interested in what you find and see on your journey, and I hope on your return we may all meet as we have so long planned. Mrs. Morse joins me in kindest and best wishes, as ever,
Yours sincerely,

To Mr.Chas.L.Freer.    Chas [[best guess]] J Moore