Viewing page 659 of 793

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Kakemono continued Rejected [[checkmark]]
1 Kakemono attributed to Mokkei 
Ink on silk - Copy
[[?]] seated in a rock [[checkmark]]

1 Kakemono by Miotaku,
Ink  on silk [[checkmark]]
Sudo standing - painted in outline.

1 Kamemono by Toshi.
Colors auto gold on silk 
Shaka, Monju & [[Fugsn?]] - old & worn [[checkmark]]

1 Kakemono by Chifsngi - Jukio
Ink on paper, [[checkmark]]
Kingari & jittoku

[[strikethrough]] 601 [[/strikethrough]]
([[strikethrough]] 89 [[/strikethrough]]) 
[[strikethrough]] 1 Kakemono [[/strikethrough]]

601 - 1 Makimmono by Sumujorhi Keion [[checkmark]]
writing by priest Zechin
The story of [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to transcribe the "footer" of the page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 15:29:30