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November 21st, 1907.
To Samurai Shokai,

For this amount to charge Art and credit Samurai Shokai with the cost of one Makimono by Keion purchased by Mr. Shokai for Mr. Freer, and to cover the purchase of which and a Bronze Figure, Mr. Freer cabled him on July 24th, 1907, Yen 18,000:-

For the Makimono, Yen 12,000
For the Bronze Figure, which, however, he has not yet 
been able to buy, 6,000

Voucher 19 July, 1907, Yen 18,000 = $9,005.31

The cost of the Makimono to Mr. Freer is, therefore, as follows:-

Paid out by Mr. Shokai, Yen 12,000
Plus his commission, 10%, Yen 1,200
Yen 13,200 - $6605.31

Duty, Entry, and Freight paid on the 
Makimono, &c. as per Vouchers 31 Sept. and 
11 and 32 October, 124.25 $6,729.56
(Say $6,750.00 for catalog to cover cost of shipping, etc.)
[[checkmark]] OK for Catalogue & Smithsonian

The above credit to Samurai Shokai, leaves him charged on Mr. Freer's books, as follows:-

Cabled July 24th, 1907, Yen 18,000

Less, purchase price of, and comm'n on, Makimono, 13,200
Balance in Mr. Shokai's possession ¥ 4,800 - $2,400.00

Duty, Entry and freight paid on two Kakemono, shipped by Mr. Shokai on his own responsibility to Mr. Freer, but returned because not wanted, as per entry preceding this one, 64.00

[[right margin]] Description of the Makimono [[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]]
No 601 - 1 Makimono by Sumigoshi Keion visiting by Priest Zechin The story of Jizo - Landscaper figures &c [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Missing right margin notes 3/22/23 did my best to complete rt margin notes ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 10:08:51