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Frederick Keppel. FitzRoy Carrington. David Keppel.

Frederick Keppel & Co.,
Rare Engravings and Etchings
Artists' Drawings: Fine Picture Framing.
4 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York.
Opposite the Union League Club.
European Agencies:
Frederick Keppel and Son, 27 Quai de l'horloge, Paris
3 Duke St., Adelphi, London
41 MT 

New York, November 9, 1907.

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Sir:-
Your favor of November 1st received and we are very glad to hear that you have decided to add the Whistler, [[underlined/]] Nocturne - shipping [[\]], to your collection. Our book-keeper will send you a bill for the same. [[underlined/]] The small portrait of George Whistler which we sent is priced $2. [[\]] OH
Thanking you for your favor, we are,
Very truly yours,
Frederick Keppel

Bill to come