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[[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] have made during the month, 162 garments, the amount paid for work sold is $97.00 600 garments have been distributed gratuitously, and the value of new garments, wood and groceries given away during the month is $600. [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] Miss Walker in charge of the school at Campbell Hosp. report seventy names upon her school list, and that a hundred articles of clothing have been made & distributed. [[strikethrough]] Her Her whole [[/strikethrough]] Miss Walkers report is [[strikethrough]] quite [[/strikethrough]] elaborate & interesting & is herewith respectfully forwarded. [[strikethrough]] The other Industrial schools have not reported this month. There are [[/strikethrough]] The report of other Industrial schools, have not been recd. (9 schools whose former report gave a total of 560 scholars, have not reported this month.) The teachers [[strikethrough]] report [[/strikethrough]] generally seem to be earnest workers, and hopeful in this work. One says "I find the children are very much like white ones, some stupid & others bright; they are rather more eager to learn because it has been