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|No of Schools|No of Teachers|Whole number (last report|Average attendance (last report)|Average Attendance|Over 16 Yrs| No always present|No always punctual|No in alphabet and Primer|No in Geography|No in Arithmetic| No in Writing| No in Geography In Washington Pa FR Asso 7|13|649|747|435|548|77|235|142|240|390|307|29 American M Asso |8|11|638|658|441|489|54|179|191|91|121|269|359|0| Pa Friends |2|6|323|345|171|240|31|43|60|107|98|108|106|29| NJ FR Asso |7|11|516|538|376|419|79|104|67|53|318|318|216|10|
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 11:02:56