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Washington D.C.
March 16th 1867

Col. W. W. Rogers:
A. A. A. General.
I have the honor to report the Colored Schools in this Department for the month of February 1867. The number of Schools is larger than on any previous month. The new School house in Georgetown is finished and filled with Scholars. It accommodates about four-hundred Pupils, in eight-rooms, and is the best School-house in the District for Colored children. It is not well located bu after trying more than a year to purchase a good lot we were forced to build where we did or not at all. There are 90 Day and Night Schools in the District of Columbia in charge of 142 Teachers of whom 129 are white and 13 colored. The number of Scholars in these Schools is 4822, and the average attendance is 3535 or 73 1/3 per cent. In Alexandria City and County, and Fairfax County Virginia there are 26 Schools with 35 Teachers (29 white and 6 colored). The number of Scholars is 1756, with an average attendance of 1204 or 68 1/2 per cent. There are reported from Maryland 6 Schools with 290 Pupils. The whole number of Schools with 290 Pupils. The whole number of Schools in this Department including 7 not regularly reported is 129. with 191 Teachers, and 7328 Pupils.

TO BUREAU OF R.F. & A.L., for the month of February, 1867,     Department [[Strikethrough]]District, State [[/Strikethrough]] of Washington
"A school under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one school" To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.
[[left margin]] This has reference to the present season[[/left margin]]
[[left margin]] This report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number[[/left margin]]
[[35 columned table]]
| No. of Day-Schools | No. of Night-Schools | LOCATIONS, OR THE NAME OF SCHOOL. | When opened | SOCIETIES, &C PATRONS, | No Schools sustained by freedmen | No Schools sustained in part by freedmen | No Teachers transported by Bureau | No School buildings owned by freedmen | No. School buildings furnished by Bureau |TEACHERS whole no. | white 
 colored | NO. PUPILS ENROLLED. Male. | Female. |No. pupils enrolled last report | No. left school this month | No. new scholars this month | Average attendance | No. of pupils paying tuition | No. of White pupils | No. always present | No. always punctual | No. over 16 years of age. | No. in Alphabet | No. spell and read easy lessons | No. advanced readers | No. geography | No. arithmetic, | No. higher branches | No. writing | No. needle-work | No. free before the war | No. Sabbath-Schools | No. pupils in Sabbath-Schools |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|15|2|Washington D.C.|| N.Y. R. F. A. L.|0|10|0|1|4|14|14|0|||||||||||||||||||||||
|10|0|Washington D.C.||PA. Br. F & W. Com.|0|0|0|3|4|12|9|3|282|282|608|117|73|460|0|0|254|142|27|82|265|217|432|515|53|530|130|118|1|35|
|3|0|Washington D.C.||N. E. Br. F & W. Com.|0|3|0|1|0|3|3|0|80|74|198|51|7|131|0|0|47|37|4|14|88|52|140|140|24|89|0|47|1|45|
|9|3|Washington D.C.||Am. Miss. Asso.|0|0|0|0|12|30|30|0|516|393|501|59|467|773|0|0|468|325|369|84|273|39|150|251|0|267|12|11|3|535|
|2|2|Washington D.C.||Am. Bar. H. Miss. Soc.|0|0|0|0|1|5|4|1|84|59|111|0|32|95|0|0|70|53|72|10|113|113|113|113|0|113|0|80|1|50|
|2|2|Washington D.C.||A. E. Friends Mission|0|0|0|0|0|5|4|1|75|141|266|24|74|273|0|1|127|99|34|30|238|116|66|50|0|45|90|12|2|220|
|5|0|Washington D.C.||R. Presby B. of Miss.|0|0|0|0|2|2|5|5|0|35|95|224|13|19|200|0|0|115|81|5|0|114|112|54|84|6|72|0|8|2|205|
|2|1|Washington D.C.||O. S. Presby B. of Miss|0|3|2|0|1|2|2|0|69|50|78|0|41|76|0|0|15|15|50|9|56|54|54|54|0|74|0|0|1|70|
|3|0|Washington D.C.||Trustees Colored Schools|3|0|0|0|3|3|1|2|69|82|146|2|7|133|0|0|76|64|12|5|73|73|50|98|0|98|0|65|1|130|
|1|1|Washington D.C.||Bangor F. A. Assos.|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|39|31|70|0|0|15|0|0|49|48|0|8|27|10|6|8|4|30|30|0|1|70|
|1|1|Washington D.C.||Private Schools|1|1|0|0|0|2|2|0|29|22|70|19|0|41|0|0|44|30|23|0|30|10|10|19|1|24|0|0|1|38|
||12|Washington D.C.||Rev. Mr. Turner|0|12|0|0|0|45|40|5|250|200|0|0|450||||||||||||||||||
|||Washington D.C.||
|4|0|Georgetown, D.C.||PA Br. Gos. W. Com.|0|4|0|0|1|5|4|1|88|96|183|16|17|162|0|0|74|47|11|0|81|103|144|184|31|177|45|61|0|0|
|3|0|Georgetown, D.C.||O. S. Presby B. of Miss.|0|0|2|0|1|3|3|0|77|89|120|0|46|132|0|0|90|72|16|0|88|78|103|104|0|107|0|20|0|0|