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Amount brought forward $1962,56
Shepherdstown, Jefferson Co. West Va. 416,10
Rent of School House in Washington, D.C. 71,61
Repairs of Howard University Preparatory Sch. Building 52,00
Repairs for Govt. Buildings for common Schools, Washington, D.C. 65,50
Repairs of Normal School House, Bolivar; West Va. 380,85
Total $2948,62
The total number of Schools reported this month is 84:-81 Day and Night Schools: Number of Teachers 105:- 79 White and 26 Colored - Number of Scholars 4583. Besides these schools, there are in operation 21 schools not reported this month, having 1205 Scholars and 40 teachers: of these 28 are White and 9 Colored. These added to those regularly reported make the whole number of Schools in this Department 105:-of Teachers 145:- of Scholars 57, 88 being 1065 scholars more than was reported for the month of October. No money has been obtained by the Washington City Trustees, and therefore we have not yet the full number of Schools in the District of Columbia.
Rev. C. W. Sharpe, Kanawha Valley, reports that he has been quite sick, but is not about his work again. He expects to get some houses built, but at last accounts only one had