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pay the board and washing of the teacher and incidentals of the school but they want assistance for a time in paying the salary, though if unaided they will have to raise money for the salaries also. There is no difficulty in finding teachers if they can be paid.
Beside the places already mentioned where the material is being furnished, there are seventeen places in West Virginia where aid has been promised in money to the amount of $200, in each place, and in some places to a much larger amount if they will proceed to erect buildings for Free Colored Schools. In some of these places the offer has been accepted; the land is obtained and the houses are being built. There is reason to believe that in all, or nearly all of these places, houses will be secured. At Robytown and Davidsonville, Md. also, land has been secured and efforts are being made to build, the same offer of aid in money having been made them. At Robytown, I am told the house is going up.
The general and liberal offer made for yourself that wherever there were enough children for a good