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Washington D.C.
July 1st 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. C. H Howard:
Asst. Comr.
Bureau R. F & A. L.

I have the honor to report the Schools in your District for the month of June 1867. Thirty-two (32) schools report an average attendance of 90 percent. and over. Miss Chamberlin of Georgetown, and Misses Wright and Elwell of the M St. school report 100 per cent. This is the best report of the year in that respect. During the last two weeks of the month there has been public examinations of all the schools except those at Freedmen's Village, Virginia, and the A. Bapt. H. Mission school taught by Miss. Kimball in this city. These examinations were generally well sustained. The great majority of our  schools have been a success, there are a few exceptions. Nothing has been proved more true than that a good teacher will make a good school in spite of unfavorable surroundings. At the examination of the large school on M St. and in Georgetown, there was a very full attendance of the parents and friends, and teachers from other schools, but most of the other examinations were not well attended by the parents and friends. The Great Minister was present at the Judiciary Sq. School and seemed very much interested in the exercises.

Very full reports of the examinations were made from day to day in the city papers. During the month of June many of the larger scholars left the schools to go to service. I respectfully suggest that it might be well to have a school term from the 1st of October to the 1st of June (eight weeks). and then another term from the 1st of June to the 1st of October, for small children, who cannot well go in the winter. The Trustees of Colored Schools have decided to support thirty (30) teachers for the next scholastic year, beginning with the 1st of October. The Pa. and N. Y. Branches of the A. F and W Commission, and the N. E. Friends promised to send back several teachers another year, probably about twenty-five (25). I think the Trustees with the help of the Bureau should assume the entire support of all the schools next year, and that the money arising from taxation will be quite sufficient to warrant this. The large school house on the Island is nearly complete, and one of the same size has been commenced on O St. bet. 4th and 5th Sts. By the contract it is to be completed by the 20th of September. Still another house is needed on Delaware Avenue near H St (Island) on land owned by the Trustees. Lumber has been sent for a school house at Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co. Md. and also for one at Port Tobacco, Charles Co. These houses are, I believe, in process of erection. Requests for help in establishing schools have been received from various places in Maryland. 

I am not able to state the number of places where we may hope to succeed, but much more is being done this year than last. I have visited Ann Arundel and Colvert counties during the month, and think that we may be able to start eight (8) schools there. The prejudice among the Whites against Colored Schools, is very rapidly disappearing. At Martinsburg, West Virginia, the land, I am informed, has been secured for a school. We also have a large amount of brick at Harper's Ferry. I do not know that anything of much importance has been done at other points in that State.

TO BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L., for the month of ........ ........ ...................., 186 , ........ ................

A school under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one school. 

To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.

[[35 columned table]] |This has reference to the present season
| No. of Day-Schools | No. of Night-Schools | LOCATION, AND NAME OF SCHOOL. | When opened | SOCIETIES, &C., PATRONS. | No. Schools sustained by freedmen | No. Schools sustained in part by freedmen | No. Teachers transported by Bureau | No. School buildings owned by freedmen | No. School buildings furnished by Bureau |TEACHERS Whole No. | White. 
 Colored. | NO. PUPILS ENROLLED. (BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS.) Male. | Female. | No. pupils enrolled last report | No. left school this month | No. new scholars this month | Average attendance | No. of pupils paying tuition | No. of White pupils | No. always present | No. always punctual | No. over 16 years of age. | No. in Alphabet | No. spell and read easy lessons | No. advanced readers | No. geography | No. arithmetic. | No. higher branches | No. writing | No. needle-work | No. free before the war | No. Sabbath-Schools | No. pupils in Sabbath-Schools |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|14|0|Washington D.C.||N. Y. Br. F & W. Com.|0|11|13|2|11|15|14|1|467|429|1041|248|103|716|0|3|336|188|42|72|536|288|816|826|73|640|166|190|5|483|