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the Whites against Colored Schools, is very rapidly disappearing. At Martinsburg, WestJ Virginia, the land, I am informed, has been secured for a school. We also have a large amount of brick at Harper's Ferry. I do not know that anything of much importance has been done at other points in that State.

"A school under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a teacher with one assistant, is to be reported as one school" To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.
[[left margin]] "This has reference to the present season" "This report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number" [[/left margin]]
[[35 columned table]]
| No. of Day-Schools | No. of Night-Schools | LOCATIONS, OR THE NAME OF SCHOOL. | When opened | SOCIETIES, &C PATRONS, | No Schools sustained by freedmen | No Schools sustained in part by freedmen | No Teachers transported by Bureau | No School buildings owned by freedmen | No. School buildings furnished by Bureau |TEACHERS whole no. | white 
 colored | NO. PUPILS ENROLLED. Male. | Female. |No. pupils enrolled last report | No. left school this month | No. new scholars this month | Average attendance | No. of pupils paying tuition | No. of White pupils | No. always present | No. always punctual | No. over 16 years of age. | No. in Alphabet | No. spell and read easy lessons | No. advanced readers | No. geography | No. arithmetic, | No. higher branches | No. writing | No. needle-work | No. free before the war | No. Sabbath-Schools | No. pupils in Sabbath-Schools |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|14|0|Washington D.C.||N. Y. Br. F & W. Com.|0|11|13|2|11|15|14|1|467|429|1041|248|103|716|0|3|336|188|42|72|536|288|816|826|73|640|166|190|5|483|
|9|0|Washington D.C.||Pa. Br. F&W. Com.|0|0|6|3|5|11|8|3|255|279|549|56|41|429|0|0|198|95|
|4|0|Washington D.C.||N. E. Br. F & W. Com.|0|4|0|0|1|4|4|0|99|103|218|15|0|158|0|0|75|53|
|6|0|Washington D.C.||Am. Miss. Asso.|0|0|2|0|6|7|7|0|209|167|507|160|29|273|0|6|110|51|
|3|0|Washington D.C.||A. Bat H. M. Asso.||0|1|4|0|3|5|5|0|56|
|2|0|Washington D.C.||N. E. Friends Miss.|0|0|0|0|0|5|5|0|140|127|267|0|0|221|0|1|46|25|
|5|0|Washington D.C.||Ref. Presby Miss.|0|0|5|0|2|5|5|0|163|115|297|26|7|225|0|0|116|89|
|3|1|Washington D.C.||Trustees Col Schools|0|1|0|0|4|4|0|4|110|119|239|10|0|127|0|0|102|79|
|1|0|Washington D.C.||Bangor F. A. Asso.|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|45|27|74|18|16|54|0|0|48|44|
|5|0|Washington D.C.||Private Schools|3|1|1|3|0|5|3|2|172|133|329|24|0|260|116|2|220|150|
|1|0|Washington D.C.||Rey. Mr. Turney|0|0|0|0|1|7|2|5|45|45|75|2|17|54|0|0|47|12|
|53|1 54|Total|||3|18|31|8|34|69|54|15|1755|1597 3552|3696|564|220|2606|156|12|1350|831|
|6|0|Georgetown D.C.||Pa. Br. F & W. Com.|0|6|5|0|1|6|5|1|141|128|297|39|11|235|0|0|132|62|
|2|0|Georgetown D.C.||Public Schools|0|0|1|0|2|3|1|2|4|257|111|22|10|88|0|0|42|34|
|8|0 8|Total|||0|6|6|0|3|9|6|3|183|135 368|408|61|21|323|0|0|174|96|
|2|0|Washington D.C.||N. Y. Br. F & W. Com.|0|1|2|0|1|4|4|0|121|95|280|77|13|134|0|0|25|25|
|1|0|Washington D.C.||Public School|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|20|20|40|0|0|30|0|0|3|0|
|||||Mr. M. DeMuriel|repo|rted|last|mo|nth||||||51|51|||||||
|3|0 3|Total|||0|1|2|0|1|5|5|0|141|115 256|371|138|13|164|0|0|28|25|
|64|1 65|Total in D|istri|ct Columbia|3|25|39|8|38|65|18|207|1897 3987|4475|753|254|3093|156|12|1552|952|
|1|0|Freedmen's Vill. Va||Am. Miss. Asso.|0|0|0|0|1|2|1|1|54|50 104|238|134|0|77|0|0|7|0|
|1|0|Ann Arundel Co. Md.||Baltimore Ed. Asso.|0|0|0|0|1|2|2|0|6|49|110|0|0|80|0|0|47|24|
|1|0|Prince George Co Md.||N. Y. Friends Asso.|0|0|0|0|1|2|2|0|4|36|72|5|10|54|0|0|33|33|
|1|0|Prince George Co Md.||N. E. Br. F & W. Com.||0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|17|25|25|4|21|22|0|19|15|1|
|1|0|Montgomery Co. Md.||N. E. Br. F & W. Com.|0|1|0|1|0|2|1|1|41|44|83|3|5|64|82|0|10|77|