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SCHOOL known as the "Advanced Dept." of the Freedmen's School, at Arlington Heights County of Alexandria State of Virginia

REPORT for the month ending January 31st 1866.


[[7 columned table]]
| NAME IN FULL. | SUSTAINED BY WHAT SOCIETY | No. of days taught during month. | No. of days lost, and why. | No. of hours daily. | No. of sessions daily. | STATE OF HEALTH. |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| H. E. Simmons | American Tract Soc of New York until Jan 15th 1866 when the school was transferred by them to the American Missionary Asso. of New York | 16 | Commencement of Term | 4 | 2 | Fair to middling with a good supply of chills and fever | 

| E. Addie Bancroft | American Tract Soc of New York until Jan 15th 1866 when the school was transferred by them to the American Missionary Asso. of New York | 16 | Commencement of Term |   |   | Fair to middling with a good supply of chills and fever | 

| Emily G. Stanwood | American Tract Soc of New York until Jan 15th 1866 when the school was transferred by them to the American Missionary Asso. of New York | 16 | Commencement of Term |   |   | Fair to middling with a good supply of chills and fever | 

| Elizabeth M. Barnes | American Tract Soc of New York until Jan 15th 1866 when the school was transferred by them to the American Missionary Asso. of New York | 4 | Commencement of Term |   |   | Fair to middling with a good supply of chills and fever |