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amount of goods on hand.  From the N Y National Freedmen's Aid Assocn I have received a large lot of goods.  The whole number of garments distributed to destitute Refugees & Freedpeople in this Dist. will exceed five hundred (500) pieces to men women & children, each case being carefully investigated

The sphere of my usefulness will be much increased as soon as I am assigned rooms in the "Soldiers Rest" now being fitted up for the accomodation of my school,, from whence, as soon as I am located, I will report to you more in detail

Respectfully urging that you will use your influence in obtaing contributions of clothing, be they ever so old they will be thankfully received by the shivering, destitute Refugees and Freedpeople

I am Sir
With High Esteem
Your Obt Servant
Susan W. Tayman
Industrial works
Alex Va

[[left margin, vertically]] Mrs Tayman Industrial School Jany 1866 [[/left margin, vertically]]