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[4 column table]

------|   -------------------------------------------
[series] [*]          [*]         {*}       [*] 
[Under readers]
Primers| First readers| second readers| third readers| fourth readers| fifth readers| sixth reader| speller

[under geoghraphers]
First lessons| Primary| Second part| thrid part|

[under mathematics]
Mental artihmetic| first part arithmetic|Second part arithemtic| third part artihmetic| higher arithmetic| algebra| geometry

[Under miscellaneous]
Grammer| slates| copy books| inks| Charts, reading| charts, Geographical| charts| outline Maps

[Under series]
Aggregate From sales.


Aggregate value of donations


On hand at first of month.
sold during the month....
donated during month....
on hand at close of month.
Wanted in addition........

In these spaces write the title of the Series used; as "Wilson's" under "readers;" "COLTON & FITCH's" under "Geographies," ETC.

We CERTIFY that the foregoing report is correct

M.F [?]
Laura [?]
Dated February 2nd 1866