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                                 MONTHLY SCHOOL REPORT,
 Location of School              Teacher                  Sustained by What Society    
 Fort Strong 
 [?]                          No.   Name
Name of                       4.    J.R Johnson             The Friends at
School                              [?] Thompson            Philadelphia 
[?]                                 [?] Willson
                                    [?] & R [?]

    Whole Number          Average Attendance.     
Boys.  Girls.  Total.    Boys.  Girls.  Total.
 38     36      74        25      23      48

No. over 16 years(6)  No. in Alphabet(12)  No. in Arithmetic(4)  No. in Geography(0)  No. in Writing(2)  No. in High Branch(0)

1. Number in Needle Work, if taught in connection with the School.
2. Number in Sabbath Schools, if one is sustained. There is one at [?] [?] and 3 H [?] and 6 
   Teachers Hanson [?] is principal teacher
3. Night and Sabbath School within your knowledge not regularly reporting.
4. Amount donated. one box of clothing, and [?]
5. Number aided. About 150.
6. Remarks. Our fort strong school is so much of a Pioneer school gathered from [?] [?], that we [comment] yet have the order and [?] Report that we could with: especially as to those
               always present,         JR. Johnson        Superintendent or Principal Teacher.

Transcription Notes:
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