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The Rev'd John Kimball,
Supt of Colored Schools


Knowing your solicitude for the mental and moral improvement, and the advancement of the interests of the colored people, a great work you have humanely undertaken, induces me to give you the subjoined items in regard to the Operations of the Industrial School, and the distribution of Clothing &c. in Alexandria.

In the month of March, 26 Kersey sack Coats for men, 26 same material for boys, 30 prs Mens Pants of Kersey, and 30 prs for boys were manufactured, and 100 garments were altered, and made into useful and servicable articles, giving employment to 63 persons. During the same time, I issued the following 

20 dresses for women
20 Sacks for women
4 Cloaks for women
6 Stockings for women
14 Chemises for women
3 Drawers for women
8 Flannel skirts for women
6 Small tooth combs
5 prs Shoes
2 Hankerchiefs,

6 prs Trousers mens
6 Coats mens
6 Coats Boys
6 prs Pants Boys
5 Jackets Boys
8 Vests Boys
4 Caps Boys
2 Hats Boys
8 Shirts Boys
2 pairs Boots
