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N.E. Friends Freedmen's Mission,
13th Street, between R. and S.
Washington, D.C. 4th mo 2d 1866

Report for 
2d mo (Feb) No of Garments given 500 Valued at $425.-

3d mo (Mar) No of Garment given 750 Valued at $700.-

Groceries for the above two month.  $246.48
Wood recd from Capt Spurgin and distributed among the needy - thirty three loads

Industrial School for same time -
Average No of Women employed 65
No of Garments made 300
Amount Paid for making $188.-

Amount of Sales in Clothing Room $478.65
Amount of Sales in Mission Store $4000.-

Richard Battey, Sup't.

Transcription Notes:
New England Friends from preceding page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 11:37:36