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Abstract of Mrs. Doolittle's Report of Industrial School at Georgetown, for Apl. 1866.

"Much the same interest has been manifested as before, but the numbers have somewhat decreased since my last report. As Spring advances, the women find employment elsewhere.

"I have had 140 scholars in all - 89 adults, 47 children. The average attendance through the month was 20.

" I have cut out 98 garments from cloth sent by the N.Y.F.R. Assoc'n., and 20 from cloth furnished by the Freedmen's Bureau. 95 garments were distributed to the poor; 48 paid to scholars for work, 49 remain on hand finished, and 8 unfinished."

[Signed] "Mrs Lucy E. Doolittle."

Respectfully forwarded to Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
A.E. Newton,
Supt. &c.

Washington, May 5, 1866.