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Washington May 5th 1866

Mr Kimbal

Sir it is impossible for me to make out an exact correct report of my school Because it consumes more time than I have to spare. And besides I labor under every disadvantage that can be imagined from constant hard labor and toil so that when Satturdy comes I can be almost completely prostrated and unfit but for anything but to rest Suffice it is to say that for the month of April I have had 58 scholars 37 Day scholars and 21 night scholars. The general daily attendance has been 27. The highest daily attendance 32. The daily everyday attendance has been generally 11. The highest attendance 16. I had for the month April 20 Girls [[crossed out]] girls [[/crossed out]] and 14 boys. Night Scholars 11 Females and 10 Males With the help of God I will try to be more particular in keeping my books and setting down the attendance