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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 22nd, 1907.

Charles L. Freer, Esq.
Care, Plaza Hotel, 59th Street & 5th Avenue,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Freer:-

Yesterday, the enclosed telegrams from Mr. Matsuki and Prof.Fischer, were received, and I repeated them to you at Miller House, Great Barrington, Mr. Matsuki's before two o'clock and Prof. Fischer's immediately upon its receipt. This morning I had notice from the Western Union that the telegrams were undelivered because you had left before they were received at Great Barrington at eight o'clock this morning. The Western Union Manager says that there was disturbance with the wires throughout the East yesterday, owing to the high winds. I had not replied yesterday to Prof. Fischer's telegram, hoping that you would receive mine and wire him direct; and also me, relative thereto. So, upon learning that the telegram was not delivered to you at Great Barrington, I thought it best to wire you fully at Sheffield, to be delivered at the Farm by special messenger, and sent a message accordingly, as per carbon herein. I felt that an answer should be sent Prof.Fischer to-day and that it would be all right to receive him and his wife at the house, should he desire to come while you were absent, and wired him [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] shortly after noon to-day, as per copy of telegram herein. Stephen, I feel sure, will know what not to show him, but presume if you receive the telegram at Sheffield you will wire any special instructions you desire him to follow.

The telephone at the house did not ring in the morning before ten o'clock, so I assume Mr. Matsuki did not try to telephone from the Station, but sent a telegram instead.

Letters received in the mail since you left are enclosed herein, viz:

No. 1. from Mrs. Watson Freer, Kingston.
No. 2. from B. Matsuki, Boston,
No. 3. from Pa. Academy of the Fine Arts,
No. 4. Postmarked Cleveland, O.,
No.5.Postmarked Boston, Mass.,
No.6.Postmarked Grosse Pointe,
No.7.From Azeez Khayat, New York,
No.8.From Soken Ito, Tokyo.

Everything quiet here, trusting you are well.

Very respectfully yours, 
JM Kennedy