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Detroit, Michigan;
33 Ferry Avenue.
November 29th, 1907.

Dear Prof. Fenellosa:-

Your kind letter of November 14th, and the copy of The Pacific Era, containing your corrections are both received. Many Thanks!

I just say that your late visit was a truly enjoyable occasion to me. The study of the things seen - along with our exchange of ideas, and your illuminated explanation made the visit a real event.

I wish you could have been here this week, as well. On Friday of last week, Prof. Adolf Fischer, Scientifical Attache of the German Legation, in Peking, wired me from Chicago, if he might see my collection. At that time I was on my [[strikethrough]] fam [[/strikethrough]] farm in the Berkshires; but Stephen took him in charge on the following day, and also on Monday of this week, and gave him a chance to see certain groups of things in the Collection.

I went to New York for Saturday and Sunday. Visited West Point on Monday; returned here on Tuesday morning; since then, I have enjoyed two days with Mr. and Mrs, Fischer. They have been really wonderful days.

Prof. Fischer has made many visits to Japan and has travelled very extensively in China. He represents the