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33 Ferry Ave., 
Detroit, Mich. 
Dec. 6, 1907.

Hon. Horace N. Allen, 
2248 Parkwood Ave., 
Toledo, Ohio. 

My Dear Sir:-

It is a real pleasure to have your kind note of December the 4th and I am very desirous of having a good talk with you concerning the collection of Korean pottery. I had hoped to find it possible to go to Toledo for this purpose sometime next week, but I am unfortunately called east and consequently am compelled to postpone the visit. I hope, however, shortly after my return to be able to arrange an appointment convenient to us both.

The potteries formerly in your possession give me great pleasure, and I am very anxious to learn as much as possible concerning their pedigree. 

Believe me, with cordial greetings, 

Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L Freer