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33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 23rd, 1907.

Daniel Merriman, Esq.,
President, Worcester Art Museum.
73 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass.

My dear Sir:-

Your kind letter of the 17th inst. arrived here during my absence. It affords me pleasure to assist in your quest for a representative example of Whistler's work, and to-day I shall write Miss. Birnie-Philip, Executrix of Mr. Whistler's Will and learn whether or not she is willing to part with either of the masterpieces now in her care.

If she will not or can not spare a fine example, I know of only one other direction in which to search. An American friend of mine has a superb example which he might be induced to sell to your Museum - I am sure he never will allow it to pass into the hands of a dealer.

After hearing from Miss Birnie-Philip, I will communicate promptly with you.

Believe me, with best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer