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like to have a photograph of them for my personal study. My Collection already contains a pair of Screens by Moronobu, and I naturally would like to know as much as I can concerning the other Screens by Mononobu still in Japan.

I notice what you say concerning the Bronze still retained by Mr. Tami: Of course if he is a man without honor, you will have trouble to make him deliver the Bronze figure which he sold you.  So far as I am concerned, I desire to have no business transactions with men whose word is good for nothing; so I think I would prefer to have you let the matter stand just where it is and have nothing more to do with Mr. Tami for my account. I notice from your letter how my account with you stands - the balance in my favor being Yen 4,219. This amount, you can return to me whenever it is convenient for you to do so.

Wishing you a successful and Happy New Year, I remain,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer