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33 Ferry Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.,
January 6, 1908.

My Dear Friend:-

It was with great pleasure that I received in today's mail your kind letter of December 20th, with its welcome holiday wishes from yourself and Madame Migeon.

Yes, I regret with you that we are not to meet in Cairo during this January. Our visit together last January was delightful. This year the weather here has been very bad, and I have been suffering with frightful colds and a very disagreeable throat. I hope, however, as the weather improves I shall recover entirely from these disagreeable effects.

I appreciate your kindness to Miss Nordlinger, and I am sure she will learn very much from your lectures.

The photographs of the Javanese ruins have reached me but they are not nearly as complete as I had been led to expect. The photographer, however, informs me that my collection includes all the photographs he has worth sending. The photographs are contained in two portfolios, and I am sending them on to you by express, and I hope you will enjoy looking them over. Keep them as long as you wish and when you are through with them kindly send them back to my address.

The Detroit photographer is making some photographs