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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 10th, 1908.

Mr. B. Kobayashi,
Care, Hotel Imperial,
Broadway and 32nd St.,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:-

In accordance with your telegram of last evening, reading;

"Kindly send goods to Hotel Imperial",

I have to-day forwarded to you, care of the Imperial Hotel, New York City, all of the Screens, Kakemono, Drawings, etc. received from you, and trust that they will reach you in good condition. They should arrive in New York Saturday evening or Sunday morning, and should be in your possession not later than Monday next, the 13th instant.

The Customs Duty paid for account amounts to $63.95, for which you may send me check at your convenience.

Yours truly,
Charles L. Freer