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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 17th, 1908. 

Mrs. E. A. Henderson, 
#4210 Mason Avenue, 
Tacoma, Washington. 

My dear Mrs. Henderson:- 
In answer to your kind letter of January 8th, I am compelled to send a dictated reply, because of the pressure of many matters.
I am sorry to say that I cannot send you a Catalog of my Collections, but I am forwarding by mail under separate cover, a copy of the "Century Magazine" containing an article by Miss Mechlin, and a copy of the "Pacific Era" containing an article by Professor Fenollosa, from which I think you will be able to obtain practically as much information concerning the Collections as you would care to make use of in your lectures. Since these articles were written, additions have been made to the Collections, and I hope to continue to enrich them during the balance of my life.