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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 17th, 1908. 

Dear Professor Kelsey:- 
I am glad to have your good letter of January 15th, I now have a better understanding of the magnitude of the desire of the Institute concerning the Endowment in view. However, I still feel that it is a mistake to have your Committee include so large a number of men. It is always so much easier to assemble a smaller number, and I do not see the advantage of a larger number. However, this is only my personal view.
Yes, if it is finally determined to have the discussion of the Manuscripts on the evening of Monday, January 27th, I shall hope to be present. 

Concerning exhibiting the Manuscript at the coming Annual Meeting to be held at the house of Mr. Farr, I shall gladly co-operate, and if either yourself or Mr. Sanders, or both, as may be most convenient, will kindly call at my house that evening before the meeting, we can arrange everything and take the Manuscript with us to Mr. Farr's home. 

The deep interest shown by yourself and Mr. Sanders in regard to