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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
January 30th, 1908. 

My dear Mr. Saint-Gaudens:- 
Replying to your letter of January 27th, I am of course, most pleased to co-operate to the fullest extent of my ability in the work you are now engaged in. And I take pleasure in sending you herewith, all of your father's letters now in my possession. Some, you will observe, are strictly of a business nature, but I deem it wiser to send you everything I have, rather than to attempt to make a selection myself. 

Your book will be, I am sure, gladly welcomed by the numerous admires of your father and yourself, as well as another and very large part of the English reading people who are interested in higher things. 

Trusting you are keeping well, I remain, 
Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer 

Mr. Homer Saint-Gaudens, 
Windsor, Vermont.