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33 Ferry Avenue E.,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 8, 1908.

Permit me to hand you herewith a letter received from Daniel Merriman, President of the Worcester Art Museum, in which he asks to have "CARMEN" forwarded in accordance with his earlier correspondence.

I am glad to know that the picture can go direct to the Museum at Worcester, instead of being stopped at the Boston Custom House with all of the incidental risks.

I suggest that you have the painting packed in a good strong packing case and have it addressed to 
The Worcester Art Museum,
Worcester, Massachusetts,

A consular invoice will have to be sent with it, and as Messrs. Obach & Company are familiar with all of the Customs requirements, I think it would be wiser to let them do the packing and forwarding. The price for the painting - Fifteen Hundred Pounds- should appear on the face of the invoice, and the invoice should read "In Bond to Worcester, Massachusetts". The packing case should have in addition to the address the words "In Bond to Worcester, Massachusetts", plainly marked upon the outside.

You will observe that Mr. Merriman suggests that the shipment be sent by a Boston Steamer. This can be done via Liverpool, as there is a line of steamers running directly between Liverpool and Boston. Messrs. Obach's shipping agent can get full particulars from the Office of the Gunard Company.

With kind messages, I remain,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Miss Rosalind Birnie-Phillip
108 Alberty Bridge Road,
Battersea, London, Eng.