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33 Ferry Avenue East,
Detroit, Michigan, 
February 22nd, 1908. 

c/o Bay City E.S. High School.
Bay City, Michigan. 

I returned from New York this morning and have eagerly examined the prints along with the notes you so kindly sent. In accordance with your request I hasten to write my impressions of the work, but I do so with the hope that you will fully appreciate the fact that I know next to nothing about photography, and my comments are to be considered accordingly. My desire is to have the photographs show as much of the technique of the artist as possible without destroying the spirit of the original, and it may be that what I am about to say will be of some assistance in making future prints. If, however, my thoughts are impracticable, do not hesitate to tell me so. With this understanding between us. let me write you in detail. 

No. 1-I like this very much and prefer that no retouching be done. The manner in which the web of the canvas shows is to me very interesting. This painting was done in the very thinnest of mediums, and technically, from the painter's point of view I consider the print a photographic triumph. Please print 1/2 dozen copies. 

No. 2--a: Better in tone than 2--b; the high lights being softer and the background more mysterious. You might use the brush to increase of tone on, say, two prints. In all send me six prints. 

No. 3--a: Delightful in tone. Please eliminate the light streaks near the head and breast. Print six proofs, three on Special Portrait Velox and three on Special Rough Velox.